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PREVIEW: New Visions, Vol. 6 Out in February

PREVIEW: New Visions, Vol. 6 Out in February

John Byrne, via his New Visions efforts for IDW Publishing – which involve rearranging images from Star Trek: The Original Series to tell fresh stories -- comes as close as anyone ever will to producing new TOS episodes. In February, IDW will release Star Trek: New Visions, Vol. 6 as a trade paperback that gathers together issues #15-17, namely “The Traveler,” “Time Out of Joint” and “All the Ages Frozen.” It collects issues #15–17, all written by Byrne, and features art and a cover by Byrne.Star Trek: New Visions, Vol. 6 will run 128 pages and cost $17.99. Check out the exclusive preview below: