Published May 15, 2016
Post-Darkness & Kirk vs. Klingons Comics Out Soon
Post-Darkness & Kirk vs. Klingons Comics Out Soon

IDW Publishing will, on Wednesday, release Star Trek: New Adventures, Vol. 3. Written by Mike Johnson, with art by Erfan Fajar, Yasmin Liang and Joe Corroney, as well as a John Watson cover, Vol. 3 examines the events Star Trek Into Darkness, as the U.S.S. Enterprise embarks on a new five-year mission of exploration. It collects the stories “The Khitomer Conflict,” “Parallel Lives,” “I, Enterprise” and “Lost Apollo” from issues #25–34 of the ongoing Star Trek series. Star Trek: New Adventures, Vol. 2 will run 228 pages and cost $29.99.
Star Trek: Manifest Destiny #3 (of 4)
Manifest Destiny #3
Star Trek