Published Nov 11, 2015
Points of Interest in Star Trek Timelines
Points of Interest in Star Trek Timelines

The galaxy is big. Really big. And as the captain of your own starship in Star Trek Timelines, you’ll be able to explore it alongside your crew. As you progress through the storyline and go on Away Missions, you’ll encounter various destinations. Some are vital to your mission, while others offer intriguing detours. In this post, we reveal just some of the points of interest you’ll see as you warp through space.
Deep Space Nine and the Bajoran Wormhole
The station that launched the entire Deep Space Nine series, this distinctive station was formerly known as Terok Nor, constructed by the Cardassians near Bajor to oversee the unruly populace during the Cardassian Occupation. When the occupation ended, the station was relinquished to a combined crew of Bajoran and Starfleet officers, and became even more important when the Bajoran wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant was discovered. Deep Space Nine fans already know the pivotal role this station plays in the Federation’s history, but what version of the station has emerged from the temporal anomaly crisis, and how might a quick route to the Gamma Quadrant help -- or hinder -- dealing with the chaos?
Cold Station 12
A joint project between 22nd century Earth and Denobula, this medical research facility most notably housed many Augment embryos orphaned in the Eugenics Wars. Enterprise fans will remember when Captain Archer and crew encountered these embryos all grown up, courtesy of Doctor Arik Soong (an ancestor of Data’s famous creator). Such a facility and its contents would be of great value to the Augments -- or to any faction seeking leverage over them--but what is it doing in Klingon space?
The Badlands
Any captain entering the harsh region of space known as the Badlands is aware that they might not emerge alive. Known for intense plasma storms and other dangerous anomalies, this region is nonetheless popular as a hiding spot for outlaws -- like the Maquis -- to lay low from authorities. Voyager fans in particular cannot forget the fateful chase that led the Val Jean and Voyager inside, and then into the Delta Quadrant. Has any faction learned to tame this wilderness? Who might be hiding inside the Badlands now?
This advanced space station was built by the Nacene being known as the Caretaker, and was used both as his living quarters and as an energy source for the revived Ocampan society. This all changed when the dying Caretaker, searching fruitlessly for a successor, utilized the station’s displacement wave technology to bring Voyager into the Delta Quadrant. As a result of the ensuing conflict with the Kazon, Captain Janeway chose to destroy the array, sparing the Ocampa from their oppression at the cost of stranding her entire crew. Yet the array has now reappeared in the Alpha Quadrant, undamaged, and is currently orbiting Omicron Theta. Who now controls this technology?
A source of inspiration and aspiration for the space program in our own time, by the twenty-fourth century Mars has been long colonized by humans, and serves as home to the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. Named after a vast lava plain on the planet’s surface, many of Starfleet’s most famous ships were constructed in the spacedocks above. But in the wake of the temporal anomaly crisis, many of those facilities have vanished, leaving only a lone space station. What does this mean for the Red Planet and Starfleet?
We hope you’ve enjoyed this look at only a few of the visually stunning locations you’ll be able to visit in Star Trek Timelines. If there’s a point of interest you’re particularly hoping to see, be sure to comment or visit our forums and let us know.
Coming to iOS, Android, and the Web, Star Trek Timelines merges the characters, stories, and settings from TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT. Gather your favorite heroes and even villains to build your ideal crew, explore the galaxy, and be captain of your own destiny. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter.