Published Dec 24, 2013
Pharrell Williams Interviews... Leonard Nimoy
Pharrell Williams Interviews... Leonard Nimoy

Guess who’s a massive Star Trek fan? That’d be Pharrell Williams, the rapper/producer/drummer/designer/entrepreneur. His fans know that he regularly flashes a variation of the split-fingered Vulcan greeting gesture. For his latest project, ARTST TLK, which airs on the Reserve Channel (on YouTube), Pharrell interviews artists and fellow entertainment figures. And for Episode #12, Williams snagged none other than Leonard Nimoy.

Pharrell and Nimoy chat face to face for nearly a half hour. They talk about how/why Nimoy ignored his father’s plea not to be become an actor, discuss his days in the Army (for which he produced talent shows) and converse about photography. Nimoy also recounts how Spock/Star Trek helped inspire young people and shares his pride in knowing that his creation, Spock, lives on -- nearly 50 years later -- thanks to Zachary Quinto.
Check it out now.