Published Jul 21, 2015
Pegg and Yelchin Have Message for Fans
Pegg and Yelchin Have Message for Fans

Simon Pegg and Anton Yelchin want to know: Are you ready to get beamed up? That's the Star Trek Beyond stars' way of reminding fans they have a chance to win a walk-on role in the new Trek adventure that's in production now. As previously reported by, the cast of Star Trek Beyond, along with Bad Robot, Paramount Pictures and Omaze, are paying it forward with Star Trek: To Boldly Go, an initiative that will result not only in one lucky Trek fan winning a walk-on role, but also in nine global causes, chosen personally by the cast, receiving equal portions of the funds raised by the campaign.The walk-on role is actually the grand prize, which also includes a flight to Vancouver, Canada, hotel, a chance to meet the cast during filming and being transformed into a Star Trek character by the Star Trek Beyond hair, makeup and costume teams. Six additional winners will form the honorary Star Trek: To Boldy Go Crew, and they'll win a trip to Vancouver as well as the opportunity to meet the crew and observe filming.In addition, fans who donate set amounts larger than $10 can receive special limited edition Star Trek rewards including t-shirts, posters, a cast-autographed red shirt, an advance private screening of Star Trek Beyond, and a replica Captain’s chair.Go to to participate.
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