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Orci Tweets Star Trek (2009) Behind-The-Scenes Pics

Orci Tweets Star Trek (2009) Behind-The-Scenes Pics

Star Trek writer-producer Roberto Orci is on the hunt for Twitter followers and he's got a great lure for hooking people: the promise of behind-the-scenes photos from the upcoming Star Trek sequel. He's not posted any new shots yet, but as a taste of things possibly to come, he's posted behind-the-scenes shots from Star Trek (2009) today. There are shots of him, of J.J. Abrams, of the Star Trek (2009) team and of Leonard Nimoy as Spock aboard the Jellyfish. Check 'em out below and keep an eye on for more, if and when Orci posts shots from the sequel. Click HERE to follow Orci on Twitter.

Whole family, from in front and behind the camera

Don't hide those ears!

Nimoy aboard Jellyfish

Wanna ride a shuttle

Production meeting

Our amazing Producer Jeff C doing all he can for the production

Me on set, which can sometimes be dangerous