Published Aug 28, 2013
One Week Only: STID & World War Z Double Feature
One Week Only: STID & World War Z Double Feature

If you haven’t seen the blockbusters Star Trek Into Darknessand/or World War Z yet on the big screen, Paramount Pictures is giving you one last chance to do so, and they’re doing it in style. Starting this Friday, August 30, and for one week only (through to Thursday, September 5), Star Trek Into Darkness and World War Z will play as a single-admission double feature – in 3D and 2D -- at AMC Theatres, Carmike Cinemas, Marcus Theatres, Regal Cinemas and other participating theaters across the country. Tickets are available now via,, and at the box offices of participating theaters.
Star Trek Into Darkness
Star Trek Into Darkness
Star Trek