Published Apr 8, 2014
New Star Trek Blu-rays Arriving June 24th
New Star Trek Blu-rays Arriving June 24th

June 24. That's the date that Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season Six and the acclaimed TNG two-parter, "Chain of Command" will arrive on Blu-ray via CBS Home Entertainment and Paramount Home Media Distribution.
All 26 episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season Six have been given the HD treatment. Rendered in 1080p high-definition Blu-ray and digitally remastered 7.1 audio, every scene in each episode benefits from new visual depth and enhanced special effects. Among the most memorable episodes are "Chain of Command, Part I and II," in which Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) suffers at the hands of a Cardassian torturer (David Warner); "A Fistful of Datas," with Worf in Western garb; and "Relics," with La Forge (LeVar Burton) rescuing Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott (guest star James Doohan) from 75 years of transporter limbo. Other memorable season-six episodes include "Tapestry," "Face of the Enemy," the "Birthright" two-parter. Among the value added material included on Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season Six: documentaries, commentaries (with Ronald D. Moore, Mike & Denise Okuda, James L. Conway and Jonathan West), deleted scenes, a gag reel and more.
The Star Trek: The Next Generation - Chain Of Command Blu-ray transforms the landmark two-part episode into a seamlessly edited feature-length, high-definition presentation. For any newcomers out there, here's the synopsis: tensions rise as a possible Cardassian attack looms, and Picard, Dr. Crusher and Worf are sent on a secret mission to find and destroy suspected biological weapons. The headstrong replacement captain, Edward Jellico (Ronny Cox), is cold and demanding – to the dismay of the remaining crew. But when Picard is captured by the Cardassians and tortured for information by Gul Madred (David Warner), dismay turns to anger and resistance as Jellico’s plans exclude a rescue mission. With his options running out, Picard must fight to save his sanity and ultimately his life. The Chain of Command Blu-ray includes a documentary (The Privilege of Rank: Making "Chain of Command"), deleted scenes and audio commentary from Ronny Cox, Jonathan West and Mike & Denise Okuda.
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season Six will cost $130 in the U.S. and $150 in Canada, while Star Trek: The Next Generation - Chain of Command will cost $28.28 in the U.S. and $32.00 in Canada. Visit Amazon to pre-order The Sixth Season and Chain of Command.