Published Apr 22, 2013
New Spock Clip Revealed, Plus STID Tickets On Sale NOW For U.S. Showings
New Spock Clip Revealed, Plus STID Tickets On Sale NOW For U.S. Showings

Paramount Pictures has just released an action-packed, emotionally fraught minute-long Star Trek Into Darkness clip that centers on Spock. In it, the rest of the Enterprise crew frantically struggles to figure out how to save Spock, who's trapped in a roiling volcano. Meanwhile, the Vulcan remains stoic, insisting that the Prime Directive not be broken and uttering part of an ultra-iconic Trek line of dialogue.
And here we go. Tickets for showings of Star Trek Into Darkness in the United States are on sale NOW. The options include the Fan Sneaks in IMAX 3D on May 15 and the Real 3D and IMAX 3D screenings starting on May 17. Click below to find theaters and showtimes near you!