Published Sep 1, 2010
New First Contact Poster from Mondo
New First Contact Poster from Mondo

The Borg Queen wants to assimilate… you.
And if you’re into that kind of thing, here’s your chance. Mondo, hot on the heels of their sold-out “Space Seed” and “The Trouble with Tribbles” posters, is back with a Borg-centric Star Trek: First Contact poster that will be available today, Thursday, September 2; follow Mondo on Twitter at @MondoNews for the official “now on sale” announcement.
Created by Ken Taylor, the poster measures 24”x36,” is hand numbered and printed by D&L Screen Printing. “First Contact” – the first Star Trek: The Next Generation poster from Mondo -- will be available in a limited edition of 210, each priced at $45, and a glow-in-the-dark variant will be available in a far more limited edition of 80, with a price point of $75.
“The first two releases in our Star Trek series focused on episodes from the original series,” Justin Ishmael, Mondo creative director, said in a statement. “ ‘Space Seed’ and ‘The Trouble with Tribbles’ both featured iconic characters and creatures, so we decided to focus on one of the most recognized and loved of all Star Trek characters… the Borg. Not only are the Borg incredibly interesting and visually stunning, but they function as a cohesive unit with the queen as their leader, hence the reason we chose to focus on her for our newest poster. We are proud to have Star Trek: First Contact as our third entry to the series.”
Visit for details, and keep an eye on for news about future Star Trek posters from Mondo.