Published Mar 19, 2012
March Star Trek Comics Available On Wednesday
March Star Trek Comics Available On Wednesday

Several new Star Trek comic books will be released on Wednesday by IDW Publishing. Actually, there will be three such titles and they are: Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes #6, Star Trek #7 and Star Trek, Vol. 1.
Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes #6 draws the curtain on the crossover collaboration between IDW and DC Comics. In the sixth and final installment, Kirk and his crew and Cosmic Boy and the rest of the Legionnaires play out the quest to restore their respective histories. But, with one half of their teams held prisoner in the past and the other half stuck in the future, is it already too late? Chris Roberson wrote #6 – look for an interview with Roberson tomorrow on -- which features art by Jeffrey Moy and Philip Moy, and covers by Phil Jimenez and Jeffrey Moy, as well as a J.K. Woodward variant cover.
Star Trek #7 tells a two-part tale featuring the new Enterprise crew and starts soon after the events of Star Trek (2009). A key plot element hones in on the Vulcans, some of whom are trying to survive in the wake of their planet’s destruction. Others, though, engage in what they believe to be the sole logical response to the Romulan aggression: revenge. Mike Johnson penned Star Trek #7, Joe Corroney did the art, Tim Bradstreet handled the cover and Star Trek (2009) writer/producer Roberto Orci once again oversaw the project. It will run 32 pages and sell for $3.99, and variants will include a photo cover and a Bradstreet sketch cover.
Star Trek, Vol. 1 gathers together several installments of IDW’s Star Trek series that are set in the Star Trek (2009) universe and re-imagine Star Trek: The Original Series episodes through the filter of the alternate timeline. Star Trek (2009) writer-producer Roberto Orci has been involved with the project from the beginning, and it kicks off the countdown to the now-filming big-screen sequel. Star Trek, Vol. 1 -- written by Mike Johnson, with art by Stephen Molnar and a cover by Tim Bradstreet -- will run 104 pages and cost $17.99.
For additional details, keep an eye on and contact your local comic book retailer or visit to find a store near you.