Published Nov 4, 2013
Klingon Khristmas Sweepstates Kicks Off Today
Klingon Khristmas Sweepstates Kicks Off Today

Star Trek: A Klingon Khristmas is in bookstores now, and what better way to celebrate its release than a Star Trek: A Klingon Khristmas Sweepstakes with some killer prizes? The Klingon Khristmas Sweepstakes kicked off today, November 4, at 10 a.m. EST and will conclude at 9:59:59 a.m. EST on November 22. The sweepstakes – which fans can enter via the Star Trek app on Facebook; click HERE -- is open to residents of the U.S., Canada (except Quebec), the United Kingdom and Germany who are 18 years of age and older.
Grand prizes will be awarded to 25 winners, each of whom will receive a Star Trek prize pack that will include the following: A Very Klingon Khristmas, How to Speak Klingon: Essential Phrases for the Intergalactic Traveler, Klingon Cufflinks, Star Trek Bat'leth Letter Opener, Klingon Captain MIMOBOT 8GB Thumbdrive, Klingon Bird Of Prey Corkscrew and 4 Collectible “house of Klingon” postcards.
As previously reported on, Star Trek: A Klingon Khristmas is available from Gallery Books (a division of Simon & Schuster) and becker&mayer! Written by Paul Ruditis and illustrated by Patrick Faricy, its 32 pages employ rhyming verse to share the treasured children’s story of the birth of revered warrior Kahless and to sing the praises of the rich Klingon Christmas traditions originating on Qo'noS and spreading across the Star Trek universe.
A Very Klingon Khristmas can be purchased as a hardcover (at $16.99) and for Kindle (at $9.99). Click HERE to order.