Published Apr 16, 2014
Kirk Sends Kirk a Letter
Kirk Sends Kirk a Letter

Captain James Kirk, who will soon command the USS Zumwalt, a/k/a the world's largest and most technologically advanced Navy destroyer, received a remarkable letter from Captain James T. Kirk... or rather Star Trek legend William Shatner. Shatner's letter to Kirk and his crew read as follows:
"Unfortunately I can't be with you when your vessel is commissioned and obviously your captain, Captain Kirk, is dear to my heart," Shatner wrote. "So forgive me for not attending, my schedule won't allow me, but know that you are in our thoughts — Mr. & Mrs. Shatner — and that we bless you and hope that you have a safe journey wherever your ship takes you. Our best, William and Elizabeth Shatner"
Shatner also included an autographed photo that he inscribed, "To The Crew -- God Speed, William Shatner." The letter and photo are now framed and on display at the Bath Iron Works in Maine, and they'll likely find a home on the Zumwalt when it becomes operational in 2016.