Published Mar 22, 2018
Kirk, Burnham in Action in IDW's June Titles
Kirk, Burnham in Action in IDW's June Titles

A new Discovery adventure and a fresh John Byrne Trek tale are in the works for June via IDW Publishing, and has a First Look at the covers.
Star Trek: Discovery: Succession #3 is written by Mike Johnson and Kirsten Beyer, with art and the A cover by Angel Hernandez. It unfolds in the Mirror Universe and delves deeper into the Discovery characters than ever before. Succession #3 will run 32 pages and cost $3.99. Fans should also be on the lookout for a photo B cover and variant covers by Yoshi Yoshitani, and Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire.
Writer and photo-manipulator John Byrne’s latest effort is Star Trek New Visions: An Unexpected Yesterday. In it, Kirk and his crew venture into the past, only to discover it is nothing like what their history books teach... no trace of the devastation of World War III and the Eugenics Wars. What can have caused such a divergence? The answer is to be found in An Unexpected Yesterday. The book will run 48 pages and cost $7.99.
For additional details, contact your local comic book retailer or visit to find a store near you. Keep an eye on for additional details about the IDW's upcoming Star Trek adventures, as well as exclusive First Looks at covers and preview pages.