Published May 9, 2013
Kickstarter Campaign For David Gerrold's THE STAR WOLF Under Way
Kickstarter Campaign For David Gerrold's THE STAR WOLF Under Way

David Gerrold’s best-selling THE STAR WOLF book series just might become a television series, that is if enough Star Wolf, Star Trek and Gerrold fans back Gerrold and several other Star Trek alumni via a Kickstarter campaign created to raise the $650,000 needed to shoot a Star Wolf pilot. The Star Wolf centers on a crew of regular people caught up in an interplanetary war between makind and the Morthans, fearsome creatures who prefer to eat their enemies alive. The talent pool committed to The Star Wolf includes not just Gerrold (the writer of “The Trouble with Tribbles”), but also legendary Star Trek writer-producer D.C. Fontana and David C. Fein, producer of Star Trek: The Motion Picture – The Director’s Edition.
"Producing independently allows us true creative freedom,” Fein told “Even the original Star Trek pushed the limits of network censors. The Next Generation avoided network censorship by releasing the show directly to syndication. Our primary goal is to release (The Star Wolf) into the world of New Media, where audiences can decide for themselves what they find appropriate. The point is that this releases us from any restrictions to the stories we'll be telling."Fein goes on to explain that networks and studio have very high overhead, as they not only have to pay for the production and distribution of a show, but they must repay their investors for previous decisions that lost them money. The Star Wolf Kickstarter campaign, if successful, will eliminate the middle man.
“Our focus is on spending every dollar on making the show a success, and our profits will be turned around to produce more episodes,” Fein explains. “For an original production, when you take a studio or network's money, you are essentially taking a loan that you have to pay back with interest, and then you continue to pay them the majority of the profits forever. And, so long as there is an audience, we'll remain in production, whereas once a network or studio has made considerable profits on your work, they can pull the plug if they feel that you won't continue to raise their bottom line. We're in this to make a show, not to raise the profitability of an entertainment giant."
Fein goes on to promise that The Star Wolf will deliver “great stories, from exceptional writers, natural and believable visual effects, and ongoing stories that evolve as the series progresses." Fans who contribute to The Star Wolf Kickstarter campaign will join group's "Launch Crew" and receive a wide variety of backer swag, ranging from scripts, launch crew stickers and posters to premiere tickets, set visits, DVDs and a limited-edition Blu-ray.
Click HERE for details about the proposed show and the Kickstarter effort.