Published Mar 7, 2013
Khan Seeks To Unify Humanity
Khan Seeks To Unify Humanity

“Unify Humanity,” the fourth entry in Bye Bye Robot’s series of Star Trek posters inspired by the mid-20th century’s communist propaganda posters of some of the world’s most-persuasive leaders, is available now. And the poster, tongue firmly in cheek, features none other than Khan. Set in 1994, it celebrates the virtues Khan would bring to his rule (power, leadership, superior intellect) and it features the tagline, “Unify Humanity Alongside Khan.” Like the previous three Trek propaganda-style posters in the series, it’s been illustrated by popular graphic artist/illustrator Steve Thomas.
“The vintage distressed look and feel of it make it seem like I’ve been transported back to that era… or is that forward?” jokes Bye Bye Robot co-founder Charity Wood. “All joking aside, though, this new propaganda poster by Steve is a perfect addition to his retro collection.”“Unify Khan” measures 16” by 24” and is available now for $25, plus shipping. Click below to purchase.