Published Mar 10, 2014
It's Enterprise vs. Enterprise in "I, Enterprise"
It's Enterprise vs. Enterprise in "I, Enterprise"

IDW Publishing, on Wednesday, will release Star Trek #31, "I, Enterprise," which kicks off a two-part adventure set within the continuity of the current Star Trek films. Written by Mike Johnson, Star Trek #31 pits Captain Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise against a threat the likes of which they've never faced: their own ship. Once again overseen by Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darknessco-writer and co-producer Roberto Orci, Star Trek #31 features art by Erfan Fajar and a cover by Gerry Gastonny.
Star Trek #31: "I, Enterprise" will run 32 pages and cost $3.99. For additional details, contact your local comic book retailer or visit to find a store near you. And keep an eye on for further news about upcoming IDW Star Trek comic books.