Published Feb 4, 2013
It Was A Super Bowl Into Darkness, Literally
It Was A Super Bowl Into Darkness, Literally

Did you catch how much Star Trek figured into the big game last night? The highlight, of course, was the ultimate bit of viral marketing, which we’ll call Super Bowl Into Darkness, with half the lights flicking off at the Superdome. We’re not sure who (John Harrison? Bane? Bad Robot, Paramount Pictures) was behind that, actually, but more than a few people Tweeted jokes about a Trek connection. And we liked this tweet, too: @neogreo: They've gotta have Kirk yelling "More power Scotty!" and @simonpegg going "I'm giving it all she's got Captain!"
In all seriousness, though, Star Trek’s presence throughout the night was unmistakable. First, there was the brand-new Star Trek Into Darkness spot, which featured tantalizing dialogue between Kirk and Harrison. “I am better,” Harrison says, prompting Kirk to question, “At what?” Harrison replies, “Everything.” Further, fans using the just-launched Star Trek Into Darkness app could snap up tickets to see the Star Trek Into Darkness on Wednesday, May 15th at 8:00 p.m., two days before the movie's scheduled release, and also could use the app to access an exclusive extended version of the Super Bowl spot.
But the Star Trek factor didn’t stop there. A Budweiser spot featured Stevie Wonder and a slinky Zoe Saldana, the latter of whom helps alter the mojo of a “lucky” chair.
Then there was “Steer the Script,” a spot promoting the Lincoln MKZ, which was created with the help of Jimmy Fallon and people who Tweeted in ideas about a couple in the MKZ and what they come across as they drive in it. Among the things they cross? A sci-fi movie shoot, with Wil Wheaton snapping a clapperboard (at the 56-second mark).
Which was your favorite?