Published Apr 13, 2011
IDW's Hundred Penny Press Releases Countdown #1
IDW's Hundred Penny Press Releases Countdown #1

IDW Publishing, as part of its ongoing mission to attract new readers to its titles, recently launched its Hundred Penny Press initiative that offers first issues of their key comic-book series for just $1. The latest title to get the Hundred Penny Press treatment is Star Trek: Countdown #1, available today.
Star Trek: Countdown, written by Mike Johnson and Tim Jones based on a story by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, and with art by David Messina, was originally released in 2009 as a tie-in to the then soon-to-open Star Trek (2009) film by J.J. Abrams. The 32-page story, for anyone who may not be familiar with it, details the back story of the film’s Romulan villain, Nero.