Published Nov 21, 2014
Her Universe Unveils New Trek Shirt and Hoodie
Her Universe Unveils New Trek Shirt and Hoodie

Her Universe has just added two new and creative Star Trek-themed apparel products to their collection -- and just in time for the holiday season.

First, there's a Captain Kirk Quote Long Sleeve, a fitted shirt that recounts the emotional ending of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, as Kirk, surrounded by his crew, gives Chekov the course heading of "Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning." That famed quote is featured on this long sleeve tee from Her Universe, which comes in sizes ranging from Small to XXL. The shirt is in stock now and costs $32.00. Visit to purchase.

Next up is the Spock Quote Lounge Hoodie, which pays tribute to Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and is emblazoned with Spock's dying words to Kirk, "I have been and always shall be your friend. This lounge hoodie from Her Universe comes in sizes Small through XXL and costs $35. Visit to purchase.