Today, June 16, is not only Father’s Day, but it’s Captain Picard Day. We’ve always found this particular holiday amusing, in large part because Jean-Luc never seemed particularly comfortable in the presence of children. And yet, for the annual Captain Picard Day, an event for the school kids aboard the Enterprise, he judged a contest in which the kids crafted models and paintings of him. Riker mocked him for it, of course, and we know that Troi was quite humored, too, but the man did very much deserve his day. After all, by this time on the show he’d heroically led his crew for several years, taken on the Borg, defended Data’s sentience, and, well, drawn a smiley face in a gas cloud.
To celebrate Captain Picard Day in your house, rustle up some snacks, grag your Picard action figure and click HERE. It’ll take you to the episode “The Pegasus,” which you can watch for free and which features the infamous Captain Picard Day scene.