Published Aug 30, 2015
Happy National Toasted Marshmallow (or is it Marshmelon?) Day!
Happy National Toasted Marshmallow (or is it Marshmelon?) Day!

Happy National Toasted Marshmallow Day, everyone! Yes, you read that correctly. Today, August 30, is really National Toasted Marshmallow Day. And to celebrate we thought we'd once again look back at one of the strangest, least-logical Star Trek tie-in product ever produced. Ladies and gentlemen, we present the infamous Kraft Star Trek V: The Final FrontierMarshmallow Dispenser. A marshmallow dispenser? Star Trek? One that looks more like a light saber from another sci-fi universe than any Trek prop anyone's ever seen?
Not surprisingly, it's a popular collectible. looked today on Amazon and eBay, and depending on its condition and whether or not the package has been opened, a marshmallow dispenser can fetch anywhere from $33 to $99, though we've seen it for less (around $15-$25) in recent months.
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