Published Mar 21, 2016
Happy 85th Birthday, William Shatner
Happy 85th Birthday, William Shatner

William Shatner, who will probably outlive us all, turns 85 years young today. The man has had a remarkable life and a career that's spanned decades, encompassing not just acting, but directing, producing, writing, hosting, narrating, voiceovers and something resembling singing. Of course, when Star Trek fans think of Shatner, the first thing that must... come... to... mind... is James T. Kirk. Shatner played the heroic captain to the hilt, imbuing him with heart and soul, and a sense of derring-do, too.
So, since this is, we thought we'd celebrate Shatner's birthday by sharing a selection of great gifs depicting memorable on-screen and behind-the-scenes moments from Shatner's days as Kirk. So, behold Kirk and Shatner's awe, fury, playfulness, romantic side and more.
Please join in wishing William Shatner a happy 85th birthday and in expressing our hope that he continues to, in the words of an old Vulcan friend, live long and prosper.