Published Jan 20, 2013
Guest Blog: Bjo & John Trimble Say "Shatner's The Man"
Guest Blog: Bjo & John Trimble Say "Shatner's The Man"

William Shatner is a misunderstood man. As an actor, he has many facets, some of which do not endear him to fans, but he has another side that many fans never see. They may even know about that side, but they have not experienced it, so that part of the actor is forgotten. We have never been friends with Shatner, but we have occasionally been close enough to get to know him better.Granted that Shatner started out in the late 1960s baldly stating, in one manner or other, that Star Trek fans were silly and misguided for being fans. He made it clear that he had no time for us. Not surprisingly, fans reacted badly, even though many Trekkers admired the man for his acting abilities.