Published Mar 20, 2013
Gorn Aplenty In STAR TREK: The Video Game
Gorn Aplenty In STAR TREK: The Video Game

Star Trek fans only got a fleeting glimpse of the Gorn species in the classic TOS episode “Arena,” but that will all change on April 23, with the release of STAR TREK: The Video Game, which will feature Gorn a-plenty. We’ve been previewing various Gorn characters from the game here at over the past few weeks, and now we’re pleased to share a new video, released today by Paramount Pictures, that explores the mythos and mystery of the Gorn, and their reinvention as the villains of STAR TREK: The Video Game.
“When we started development on the game more than three years ago, one of the first decisions we had to make was: Who was the enemy?” says the game’s executive producer, Brian Miller. “The Gorn immediately jumped to the top of the list. And now, as gamers and fans ourselves, we couldn’t be more excited to bring one of the most popular and iconic science fiction villains of all time to the video-game space.”