Published Jul 16, 2018
Full Steam Ahead for Adversaries
Full Steam Ahead for Adversaries
Star Trek: Adversaries, the free-to-play online collectible card video game, is available now on Steam. Taking the CCG genre into the future, Adversaries features more than 100 fully-rendered and customizable 3-D starships and 150-plus iconic crewmembers, as well as multiplayer and AI campaigns, ranked matches, draft play, and the chance to battle your friends -- and foes -- across the galaxy.
Adversaries draws from the entire Star Trek prime universe. As such, it spans everything from Star Trek: The Original Series to Star Trek: Discovery.
Players begin by selecting a Flagship. With unique abilities and core cards to bolster your deck, your Flagship is ready to take on all challengers. The Galaxy Class, Constitution Class, K'vort Bird of Prey and the dreaded Klingon Ship of the Dead -- along with 20 other ships -- await your command.
Star Trek: Adversaries is available now for download on Steam and coming soon to mobile devices.