Published Feb 3, 2014
Four New Star Trek Art Prints Now Available
Four New Star Trek Art Prints Now Available

Each month since August 2012, has presented a new quartet of Star Trek: The Original Series Art Prints created by Juan Ortiz and intended to capture the essence of all 79 TOS episodes and the original pilot, for a total of 80 pieces. Now, we're down to the home stretch, with this month's four prints available right now and then one more set to come in March. This month's retro-style posters include "The Corbomite Maneuver," "Friday's Child," "The Cage" and "Who Mourns for Adonais?" recently caught up with Ortiz, who offered the following insight into this month's pieces.Which print from January elicited the strongest response -- and what was your sense of why it did so?
ORTIZ: I think it was "Wolf in the Fold." I think it has to do with the image leaning more towards the horror genre then the typical sci-fi image.

Up first this month is "The Corbomite Maneuver." What appealed to you about this particular episode, and how did that translate to the retro art you created?
ORTIZ: When taken into the context of the sixties, mankind was in the process of taking baby steps into a new frontier. So it seemed like the writer wanted to tell a story about just how far mankind still needed to go. My image could be Balok's hand or it could also suggest the hand of mankind reaching out to the stars, reminiscent of the apes from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

How much thought did you give to going with an image of Balok or his ship before settling on the child's hand?
ORTIZ: The ship was a big reveal in the episode, so I didn't want to give it away on the poster. Balok would have been equally revealing, but by just hinting at him, I hope to generate some interest from the new viewer.
Are we right in saying we see a Saul Bass influence in "Who Mourns for Adonais? If so, what was it about Bass's work that appeal to you?
ORTIZ: Yes, you're correct. I like when there's a fine line between design and illustration. Picasso is also a major influence for this one and other posters.

What was the toughest part of getting this one right?
ORTIZ: I think the colors play a big part in this one. I can almost imagine this painted on a wall of an Italian restaurant. Right down to the olive Enterprise.
Who or what inspired "Friday's Child"?
ORTIZ: The work of Joaquín Pertierra was the inspiration for this one. Specifically his Graphic Eye cover from April 1967.

How did you settle on purple and yellow as the main colors for this piece?
ORTIZ: There's a lot of back and forth with colors, sometimes for days. I was also mindful of the posters that came before and after, and whether or not it needed to be more colorful.
How surprised were you to be asked to include "The Cage" among your TOS art prints?
ORTIZ: I wasn't too surprised, but (instead) thankful. It was a fun poster to work on and after doing 79, I was eager for more.

Since the episode was not officially part of the series, was it a chance to do something completely different and unlike any of the other 79 TOS art prints?
ORTIZ: Yes. Although I may have been able to work this into the "Menagerie," the style of the art wouldn't have been the same.
Who or what inspired the art?
ORTIZ: I had always admired Shag's work and since this episode wasn't shown until sometime in the 80s (not including the "Menagerie"), I was able to go more contemporary with it. I thought it would be the best one to mention Alexander Courage, as well.
Of the four for this month, which would you put on the wall in your house... and why?
ORTIZ: Tough choice, but I would pick "The Cage." It's simple but has a lot going on.
The Shop is offering the four prints as a set of plated-printed lithographs on 100-pound, aqueous-coated, satin-finish paper. Each print measures 18x24 inches and the set of four is $34.95. Fans in the U.S. and Canada can purchase the sets below.
Pyramid will have the images available in the UK on Wood for £39.99 (43x59cm) and £49.99 (45x76cm), Canvas for £59.99 (60x80cm) and as Framed Art Prints at £49.99 (60x80cm). UK fans will be able to purchase the items at, and
The final four images will be revealed in early March here on