Published Jul 31, 2017
First Trek RPG in a Decade Ready for Launch
First Trek RPG in a Decade Ready for Launch

The first new Star Trek RPG in a decade is ready for launch, courtesy of Modiphius Entertainment, which has unveiled its Locutus of Borg miniature and announced its addition to the Borg cube collector’s edition boxed set for the forthcoming Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game, along with two bonus 15-page adventure PDFs. Modiphius, of course, is the publisher of the Achtung! Cthulhu, Mutant Chronicles, Conan, Infinity and John Carter of Mars roleplaying games.
Star Trek Adventures
Star Trek Adventures
Star Trek Adventures
Star Trek Adventures
Star Trek
Mutant Chronicles, Infinity, Conan, John Carter of Mars
Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, X-Wing Miniatures Game
Star Trek
Star Trek