Published Feb 3, 2016
FIRST LOOK: U.S.S. Montgolfier for Attack Wing: Wave 23
FIRST LOOK: U.S.S. Montgolfier for Attack Wing: Wave 23

WizKids/NECA will release Star Trek: Attack Wing Wave 23 next month and has the exclusive First Look at the ships in the upcoming expansion packs, starting with the U.S.S. Montgolfier.The U.S.S. Montgolfier is a Federation Saber-class starship. These small but heavily armed vessels were involved in the Battle of Sector 001 and were used by the Federation throughout the Dominion War. The Montgolfier is even hardier, having one extra shield and one extra Tech Upgrade slot compared to a generic Saber-class vessel. The special ability for the U.S.S. Montgolfier allows it to switch target locks from one ship to another as a free action. How many times have you used a Target Lock only to watch that ship slip out of your firing arc? Now with the Montgolfier, you can choose a new target on the next turn as a free action, allowing you to perform another action. The Captain of the Montgolfier is Orfil Quinteros. Quinteros participated in the construction of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. As such, it seems fitting that Orfil Quinteros allows you to roll 3 defense dice and repair 1 damage to your hull for every Evade result. However, you also gain one Auxiliary Power Token for each point of damage you repair with this action, so use this ability judiciously.