Published Apr 21, 2013
FIRST LOOK: U.S.S. Kelvin Prototype From QMx
FIRST LOOK: U.S.S. Kelvin Prototype From QMx

Star Trek fans just love the U.S.S. Kelvin. Though ultimately doomed, Captain Robau and, for a brief instant, Captain George Kirk bravely commanded the ship in battle against Nero and his far more powerful Narada in Star Trek (2009). Soon, thanks to the QMx FX Cinema Arts division, fans will be able to beam up their own collector’s scale replica of the Kelvin. The piece, which will measure approximately 12 inches by 7 inches, is in the works now, grown from the original movie digital effects files, with a highly detailed Aztec paint pattern and painstakingly crafted weathering designed to match that of the on-screen ship.
Keep an eye on for additional news, including shipping date and pricing, about the U.S.S. Kelvin.