Published Oct 16, 2013
FIRST LOOK: Sublimated Trek Tees From Trevco
FIRST LOOK: Sublimated Trek Tees From Trevco

Eight new and super-creative Star Trek crew t-shirts have just been introduced by Trevco, and has not only a First Look, but also insights into the design of each sublimation shirt – with designs on the front and back -- from the artists who created them. We’re particularly partial to the Khan tee, but we’re guessing everyone out there will have his or her own favorite.
Check out the shirts and the artist comments:

“I was going for a superimposed look with the main crew patterned around the shirt. I wanted the Enterprise to fill most of the shirt, but didn't want it to dominate the design. I tried to give a nice balance between the crew and the ship.”

“Costume designs are really fun and with Khan being in the latest Star Trek movie, I thought this throwback costume would resonate well. I tried to recreate the original costume as close as I possibly could to give it an authentic feel.”

“I wanted a bold, fun-looking design for this shirt. I decided to go with a big shot of the crew and set it at an angle to give it that retro comic book feel.”

“Star Trek first brought us into a universe of daring discovery in 1966 with its visionary approach to the cosmos. Each episode held a humanistic tone to it and beckoned its audience to boldly follow its characters to alien planets, familiar settings and bends in time. This design was meant to encapsulate all of that in one simple yet serene image. With the Captain’s warm sign-off on the back there is no better uniform for pioneers of all suits.”

“Whether you're neck deep in a pile of Tribbles, two feet in a Gorn’s nest or just trapped deep in Klingon territory, a good crew is always your best chance of making it out in one piece! You will never be in bad company with the Enterprise crew and this design included all of the originals, enough to man your own Federation starship even.”

“For this design, I thought it would be fun to do a blueprint of the Enterprise. It's fun to see all of the little details and to get a sense of the scale of the ship.”

“Live Long and Prosper has been an adage rolling off tongues effortlessly since the episode ‘Amok Time’ first brought it to our Earthly ears. Often paired with the Vulcan salute, Live Long and Prosper is a maxim that gives us an ideal to strive for and wishes us the best in our journeys to come in four simple words. This shirt proudly displays Spock giving the peaceful salute and will hopefully be a reminder to all who view it that we could use a little more logic and positivity in our lives.”

“Far before the days of video rentals and pirated clips, physical media bridged the gap for Trekkies between reruns of The Original Series. This design is an homage to those days when Kirk, Spock and the rest of the Enterprise crew explored the vast corners of space on the page. This heavy dose of nostalgia is illuminated by the gripping images of the now-iconic cover art that transported the message of Star Trek from the airwaves to the paper.”
The Trek shirts are all hand printed by Trevco in Michigan and vary in pricing from $23 to $37. They’ll be available in stores soon, but right now can be purchased online. Click HERE to purchase online.