Published Jun 5, 2012
FIRST LOOK: Star Trek Video Game Villains
FIRST LOOK: Star Trek Video Game Villains

Star Trek: The Game is on the way, and the big news out of E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) today is that the Gorn, Trek’s legendary, lizard-like creatures, will serve as the game’s villains, and that Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto will reprise their Star Trek (2009)roles as Kirk and Spock, respectively, while the rest of the current Star Trek crew will be depicted as well. Star Trek: The Game will be released in early 2013, distributed by NAMCO BANDAI Games America, Inc.

The co-op game’s story, an original adventure written by Marianne Krawczyk in collaboration with Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, pits Kirk and Spock – whom players will control -- and their crew mates against the Gorn, which are a true military dictatorship determined to conquer the universe. Using chaos-causing infectious venom, the Gorn lay the seeds for destruction and mayhem as they annihilate populations and deplete planets of their precious resources.
"Great villains give our favorite characters a chance to become heroes in the process of attempting to eliminate a powerful threat, and Star Trek fans have been eagerly anticipating the moment when the antagonists of the game would be revealed," said Carlson Choi, VP of Marketing at NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. “This is one of those moments and we couldn’t be more excited to give gamers a glimpse at the challenges that lie ahead for Kirk and Spock.”Star Trek: The Game will be available in early 2013 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC. For more information on Star Trek: The Game, visit, and follow the game on Twitter at And be sure to keep an eye on for further news about Star Trek: The Game.