Published Sep 12, 2013
FIRST LOOK: Star Trek Pinball Machine
FIRST LOOK: Star Trek Pinball Machine

Can’t get enough of Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darkness? Well, you can immerse yourself in the universe of both films with the brand-new Star Trek pinball machine from Stern Pinball. In the game, you – the player – are Captain James T. Kirk, leading the crew of the Enterprise into battle against the USS Vengeance and maneuvering to rescue Spock.
The first all-LED Pro Model from Stern, the Star Trek pinball machine boasts three lightning-fast ramps, an animated battleship, a trio of flippers, resettable memory drop targets and much more. The game’s playfield features eight multicolored LED paths that lead gamers along easy-to-understand color-coded routes. There are a half-dozen missions for casual players and 18 complex treks designed to thrust enthusiast players far deeper into the game. As players attack an oncoming threat with the three action-centered flippers, the all-LED playfield will captivate onlookers and enhance the player experience with such features as phaser flashes and photon torpedoes. Players can also unlock special opportunities, amass bonus features and earn accolades (called The Captain’s Chair). And fans can expect to battle Khan, Nero, Klingons and Nero’s ship, the Narada, as well.
The Star Trek pinball machine will be available via authorized Stern distributors and dealers in a Pro Version, Premium Version and Limited Edition Version. Click HERE to visit Stern Pinball for additional details.