Published Aug 20, 2013
FIRST LOOK: Star Trek Into Darkness Xbox SmartGlass Experience
FIRST LOOK: Star Trek Into Darkness Xbox SmartGlass Experience

Star Trek Into Darkness is available today as a digital release in advance of its September 10 debut as a Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, DVD and On Demand title. To celebrate the digital release, has an exclusive First Look at a trio of concept art images that will be available as part of the Star Trek Into Darkness Xbox SmartGlass experience.
Fans with SmartGlass-enhanced tablets or phones can access additional exclusive behind-the-scenes material, including FX scene peelers, concept art, etc., all time sync-ed to the film. Further, fans can use SmartGlass to participate in the Starfleet Academy Challenge, during which they can simulate Federation adventures (battling Klingons, transporting lost crewmen, for example) and test their Trek knowledge.
Heightening the anticipation, fans can utilize a code embedded in the images to enter the Defeat Khan website and get in on a special sweepstakes. One lucky entrant will win a trip for the winner and a guest (on sponsor-selected dates on or about May 29-31, 2014) to London, England, to attend “Star Trek: Into Darkness- Live in Concert,” currently set to be held at Royal Albert Hall on May 30, 2014, with Star Trek Into Darkness composer Michael Giacchino conducting. The winner will also get to meet Giacchino.
In addition to the sweepstakes, the Defeat Khan site employs some of the most advanced 3D technology available, enabling fans to create their own, personalized Star Trek avatar, just by uploading a photo. Fans then join Starfleet Academy and can train with several simulations that will test their Memory, Vision, Focus, Speed and I.Q. to rise through the ranks to help take on Khan. Fan can also connect with Facebook in order to compete with their friends.
Click HERE to visit the Defeat Khan site.