Published Feb 17, 2014
FIRST LOOK: Star Trek in Paramount Park Murcia
FIRST LOOK: Star Trek in Paramount Park Murcia

Star Trek could be beaming into Spain by the end of 2015. We’re not talking about a convention. And, no, the next film won’t be filming there. Rather, Star Trek will be represented in force at Paramount Park Murcia, to be located at Alhama de Murcia on the Mediterranean coast about 270 miles southeast of Madrid. The wide-ranging project will incorporate condos and office buildings, hotels, malls, a casino, a convention center, gardens, nightlife and dining areas, an exhibition hall/auditorium and… a theme park divided into several sections.
Plaza Futura will be designed to appeal to Star Trek fans. 3D renderings depict a large futuristic square that will include a Starfleet Spain recruiting center, a 3D simulator ride (which allows guests/recruits to experience adventures in outer space), and a Warp Speed Coaster that will reach exciting heights and speeds and include an underground portion (a wormhole, naturally) and several loops.
Keep an eye on for additional details about Paramount Park Murcia.