Published May 15, 2013
FIRST LOOK: Star Trek Cross-Stitch
FIRST LOOK: Star Trek Cross-Stitch

Starting on May 28, Star Trek fans can live long and cross-stitch. The 28th is the day that Gallery Books will release Star Trek Cross-Stitch: Explore Strange New Worlds of Crafting, by John Lohman. Star Trek Cross-Stitch offers 144 pages of fun and unique Trek-themed crafting projects and easy-to-follow instructions.
Here’s a description of Star Trek Cross-Stitch, straight from the publisher:Ever wondered what Spock would look like on a baby's onesie? Well, now you can see, in this fun collection of thirty cross-stitch projects made with love by Star Trek fans. If you're looking for ideas for putting your favorite character on a pillow or a dish towel—or perhaps hanging a lovely "Qo'noS Sweet Qo'noS" in the entryway to let everyone know a Klingon-speaker lives here—then look no farther. Whether you're lifelong Trekkie or just a Starfleet cadet, you can decorate your home, your clothes, and your children with cross-stitched Star Trek quotes and iconic images.
Click HERE to pre-order Star Trek Cross-Stitch. And keep an eye on for sample cross-stitch projects and an interview with the author.