Published Dec 13, 2013
FIRST LOOK: Star Trek Comics For March 2014
FIRST LOOK: Star Trek Comics For March 2014

IDW Publishing is thinking ahead, that’s for sure. And that’s a good thing, because it lets us at give you a preview of things to come – Star Trek comic book-wise – in March 2014. Fans can expect Star Trek, Vol. 7, a 104-page trade paperback that gathers together issues 25-28 of the ongoing series of Trek adventures set after the events of Star Trek Into Darkness. The tales, which involve the Klingon and Romulan Empires fighting for supremacy, with the Enterprise and her crew trapped in the middle, are overseen by Roberto Orci, written by Mike Johnson and feature art and a cover by Erfan Fajar. Star Trek, Vol. 7 will sell $17.99.
Up next is Star Trek: Gold Key Archives, Vol. 1, which will present the first comic-book adventures of the Enterprise and crew. Collecting issues #1-6, Vol. 1 features stories by Arnold Drake and George Kashdan, art by Nevio Zaccara, Alberto Giolitti and Giovanni Ticci, and a cover by Michael Stribling. It will run 168 pages and cost $29.99.
Also on the way is Star Trek #31, which will kick off a new and epic two-part adventure – “I, Enterprise” -- set within the current Star Trek timeline. In it, Kirk and company face an unprecedented threat: the Enterprise. Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darkness co-writer/co-producer Roberto Orci has overseen the tale, which is written by Mike Johnson and features Erfan Fajar art and a Gerry Gastonny cover. Star Trek #31 will run 32 pages and sell for $3.99. Subscription customers will beam up a photo variant cover featuring Science Officer 0718.
For additional details, contact your local comic book retailer or visit to find a store near you. And keep an eye on for further news about IDW's upcoming Star Trek comic books.