Published Jan 28, 2014
FIRST LOOK: Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darkness Trading Cards
FIRST LOOK: Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darkness Trading Cards

Mark it in your calendars. Rittenhouse Archives, on Febuary 26, will unveil sets of trading cards devoted to Star Trek (2009)and Star Trek Into Darkness. Each set will include 110 cards with scene-by-scene plot synopses and photos from the movies. The cards will come 6 to a pack, 24 packs per box and 12 boxes to a case. Fans can seek out a 9-card Star Trek Into Darkness Foldout set (1:24 packs), a 24-card Star Trek Into Darkness Uniform Badge set and a 12-card Star Trek Into Darkness Uniform Relic set.
Of course, the highlight for most fans will be the many Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darkness actors who have signed autograph cards that will be included two per box. The signers include Chris Pine (Captain Kirk), Zachary Quinto (Spock), Leonard Nimoy (Spock), Benedict Cumberbatch (Khan), Alice Eve (Carol Marcus), Peter Weller (Admiral Marcus), Bruce Greenwood (Admiral Pike), Ben Cross (Sarek), Jennifer Morrison (Winona Kirk), Simon Pegg (Scotty), Rachel Nichols (Gaila), Deep Roy (Keenser), W. Morgan Sheppard (Vulcan Science Minister), Greg Ellis (Chief Engineer Olson), Joseph Gatt (Science Officer 0718), Clifton Collins (Ayel), Sonita Henry (Kelvin Doctor), Jason Matthew Smith ("Cupcake"/Burly Officer) and more.
The cards will be available at hobby stores and comic book shops, as well as online at Each pack will cost $3.50, while each box will cost $84.00. Keep an eye on for additional details.