Published Jul 18, 2013
FIRST LOOK: Scotty, Sulu & Khan Busts From Titan
FIRST LOOK: Scotty, Sulu & Khan Busts From Titan

Titan Merchandise is entrenched at their Comic-Con booth (#5537) with lots of great new products covering the entertainment spectrum. Star Trek fans will surely enjoy snagging a first-hand glimpse of three of the latest additions to their Star Trek line of character busts. First up, Titan previewed a prototype of their forthcoming Khan bust. And, on Saturday, they'll unveil two other Trek busts. First up is Scotty, who, in one hand grasps a very authentic looking dilithium crystal. The other new piece depicts Sulu as he was seen in “The Naked Now,” shirtless and wielding a foil.
Keep an eye on for details about all of Titan’s Star Trek products.