Published Feb 20, 2014
FIRST LOOK: Next Ship Upcoming In Official Starships Collection
FIRST LOOK: Next Ship Upcoming In Official Starships Collection

Star Trek The Official Starships Collection has just given an exclusive First Look at the next issues (#40) in the pipeline. Computer-generated artwork created by the Starships team ensures that each intricate detail is added and done at the right scale, as several versions of the same starships may have been shot for a Star Trek film or television series.
Issue #40 will be available in the not-too-distant future, and it's not too late to subscribe to Star Trek The Official Starships Collection to make certain you receive it. And keep an eye on for information about upcoming releases and detailed looks at each ship as it is released.
Visit Star Trek The Official Starships Collection to check out the latest list of Star Trek Starships and to subscribe.