Published Jun 14, 2013
FIRST LOOK: New Trek Posters From Bye Bye Robot
FIRST LOOK: New Trek Posters From Bye Bye Robot

If you’re into colorful Star Trek art, then Bye Bye Robot has two new posters that you should be sure to check out. First up is “Landing Party,” a TOS-themed piece that depicts the main crew beaming while on an away mission. The artist, Drew Johnson, has given the transporter beams a unique flourish, using splashes of yellow to do so.
The second poster, by Jeff Foster, is a Deep Space Nine-inspired piece called “Terok Nor.” It features a multitude of blue hues and depicts Deep Space Nine in the foreground, with a hint of the wormhole off in the distance.
“Landing Party” and “Terek Nor” each measure 18x24,” come on 100-lb acid-free paper, and each sells for $25. Click HERE to order.