Published Mar 10, 2012
First Look: New Trek Glassware From Vandor
First Look: New Trek Glassware From Vandor

Vandor is back with three new, exciting and practical Star Trek products, and has a First Look.
First up is a 12-ounce ceramic mug that features the Star Trek logo and images of the Enterprise. Next, there’s an 18-ounce, double-walled acrylic travel cup that, like the mug, depicts the Star Trek logo and images of the Enterprise. The cup keeps cold drinks cold and includes a straw.
And, lastly, there’a Star Trek four-piece 16-ounce glass set, each with an image of an iconic TOS character and a popular quote. The Kirk glass says “You Would Find Me A Formidable Enemy,” the Spock glass reads “Seems Logical To Me Captain,” while the Scotty glass blares “I’m Giving Her All She’s Got, Captain!” and the Dr. McCoy glass grouses “I’m A Doctor, Not An Engineer!”
The new products will be available soon at retailers in the US and Canada.