Published Feb 5, 2014
FIRST LOOK: New Trek Apparel For The Ladies
FIRST LOOK: New Trek Apparel For The Ladies

Robe Factory has the ladies in mind with the latest additions to their line of Star Trek apparel. Available now at are a Ladies Uhura Satin Robe, Ladies TOS Uniform Panties, Ladies TOS Uniform Sleep Shirt and a Ladies TOS Uniform PJ Set.

Uhura Satin Robe
From "When you've got an important job to do, the last thing you need is to be slowed down by a wardrobe malfunction. And, let's face it: you do some pretty important things around the house while wearing a robe. Things such as answering the door for the pizza delivery at the end of a long day where all you wanted to do when you got home was to take a bath. Or signing for a package while you're in the middle of getting ready for work. Or stepping out of the shower to dash back to your room to grab your forgotten shampoo while staying at a friend's house.
These are times when you probably aren't fully dressed, but that doesn't mean you want to flash a stranger (or an acquaintance), which can happen to the best of us with poorly thought-out robes. This robe has two different ways to help you avoid wardrobe malfunction. It has both an inner tie and an outer tie to keep the robe from falling open, and the sash is sewn on so you won't lose it while rewiring the entire communications system.
Then again, you can let it fall open if that's your thing. But we wanted to make sure you knew you had options."
The knee-length polysatin robe has both an exterior and interior tie and is available for $39.99 in Small/Medium and Large/Extra Large sizes at
Star Trek: The Original Series Sleep Shirts

From "We're all about having comfy stuff to wear. These sleep shirts actually have more than a passing resemblance to the miniskirted uniform of the ST:TOS era. They feature a rounded neck and color-appropriate flocked insignia imprinted on the chest of the short-sleeved body. Fortunately, nobody's gonna mind if your hair isn't regulation while you're wearing these, so go crazy." The Original Series sleep shirts are available in five sizes for $29.99 at
Star Trek: The Original Series Ladies Pajama Sets

From "We were going to replicate the full-length hibernation jumpsuits from "Space Seed" (you know, the ones made from gold lamé netting?), but we decided to go with these instead. Because nobody looks good in gold lamé, plus who wants to sleep overnight in that, let alone hibernate? Ugh.
So we went with these 100% cotton jersey options instead. The pants have a drawstring, elasticized waist. The shirts have a rounded neck and color-appropriate flocked insignia imprinted on the chest of the short-sleeved shirt. It's basically everything gold lamé isn't. We think you'll like them. "
The Original Series Ladies Pajama Sets are available in five sizes for $39.99 at
Star Trek: The Original Series 3-Pack Panties

From "Starfleet has a uniform for every occasion: regular duty, off duty, flight, special occasions... so it stands to reason that there must be officially-sanctioned underpants. After all, if you're found sleepwalking down the halls of the space station, those who rescue you will need to identify your rank and station.These Star Trek: The Original Series panties let you decide whether today is a Command Gold, Operations Red, or Science Blue kind of day."
The panties 3-pack is available in five sizes for $29.99 at