Published Jun 6, 2014
FIRST LOOK: New Novel, The More Things Change
FIRST LOOK: New Novel, The More Things Change

Star Trek: The Original Series: The More Things Change, a thriller based on TOS, will be released as an eNovella on June 23 by Simon & Schuster/Pocket Star, and has an exclusive First Look at the cover.
Author Scott Pearson's story unfolds six months after the events of Star Trek: The Motion Picture. In it, Doctor Christine Chapel and Spock must save the life of an ailing Audrid Dax, her true nature as a Trill having remained a mystery until now. However, after an unknown vessel attacks their shuttle, a risky game of cat-and-mouse may be the only way to save all their lives.
Star Trek: The Original Series: The More Things Change will run 100 pages and cost $2.99. Visit to pre-order.