Published Apr 18, 2013
FIRST LOOK: Make It Sew With New Trek Craft Book
FIRST LOOK: Make It Sew With New Trek Craft Book

On April 30, you’ll be able to make it sew. That’s the day that Simon & Schuster/Pocket Books will release The Star Trek Craft Book, a how-to guide to creating 25 unique Star Trek-inspired crafts, including toys, accessories and décor. Written by Angie Pederson – a veteran multi-crafter and author, not to mention hardcore Star Trek fan; her son is named James T. – The Star Trek Craft Book features full-color photos, fun facts, easy-to-follow instructions (for crocheting, sewing, embroidery, felting and more), supply lists and crafting tips, as well as photos from the Trek episodes that inspired the various crafts.
The Star Trek Craft Book is paperback that will run 176 pages and sell for $19.99. Click HERE to pre-order.