Published Aug 17, 2015
FIRST LOOK: IDW's Trek Comics for November 2015
FIRST LOOK: IDW's Trek Comics for November 2015

Is it November yet? Apparently it is over at the offices of IDW Publishing, as they've just given details about their upcoming Trek titles for November... as well an exclusive First Looks at the cover art for the books. The fun starts with Star Trek #51: Five-Year Mission, written by Mike Johnson, with Tony Shasteen handling the art and cover. In it, the Mirror Universe epic continues as the evil counterparts of the Enterprise crew gain the upper hand. Captain Kirk finds himself allied with the mysterious man known only as Singh, while Spock comes face to face with his deceased mother... now alive and well in the Mirror Universe. Star Trek #51: Five Year Mission will run 32 pages and cost $3.99. A subscription variant will feature a cover by Lorelei Bunjes.