Published Feb 13, 2015
FIRST LOOK: IDW's Trek Comics For May
FIRST LOOK: IDW's Trek Comics For May

While much of the country is digging out of snow in the midst of this crazy winter season, the good folks at IDW Publishing have May on their minds already. And so, to put a little spring in your day, we've got the scoop on IDW's Star Trek titles for May and exclusive First Looks at their covers.
Up first is the latest Star Trek: New Visions adventure by writer/artist/photo-manipulator John Byrne, Resistance. IDW gave us only a one-word tease about Resistance... Borg! It will run 48 pages and cost $7.99.
Five-Year Mission will continue with Star Trek #45, Eurydice, Part 3 (of 3). Star Trek's current Captain Kirk and his Enterprise crew are trapped in the Delta Quadrant and fighting for their lives in order to escape the clutches of the Dark Market syndicate. Eurydice, Part 3, is written by Mike Johnson, overseen by Roberto Orci, and it features art by Tony Shasteen and a Joe Corroney cover. It'll run 32 pages and cost $3.99. A subscription variant will have a photo cover.
For additional details, contact your local comic book retailer or visit to find a store near you. And keep an eye onStarTrek.comfor further news about upcoming IDW Star Trek comic books.