Published Jul 15, 2014
FIRST LOOK: IDW's Star Trek Comics for October
FIRST LOOK: IDW's Star Trek Comics for October

You’re probably thinking right now about your next great summer weekend, but IDW Publishing already has its eye on the fall. And so is pleased to present an exclusive First Look – art included – at IDW’s Star Trek slate for October. Up first is Star Trek #38, part four of “The Q Gambit,” which is set in the current Trek universe as seen in Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darkness. Written by Mike Johnson and featuring art and a cover by Tony Shasteen, Star Trek #38 finds Captain Kirk and the crew of the USS Enterprise in a true no-win scenario -- trapped in a dark future, at the mercy of the mighty Dominion -- thanks to the mischievous Q. Once again overseen by Roberto Orci, Star Trek #38 will run 32 pages and cost $3.99. A subscription variant will feature a cover photo of Kira.
Next, there’s Star Trek: Harlan Ellison’s City on the Edge of Forever #5 (of 5), written by Ellison, Scott Tipton & David Tipton, with art by J.K. Woodward and a cover by Juan Ortiz. The final act of Ellison’s Hugo and WGA Award-winning Star Trek teleplay follows James T. Kirk contemplating whether he’s willing to sacrifice the woman he loves to save the universe as he knows it. IDW nails it on the head when they suggest that “You may have seen the episode, but you only think you know how it ends!” Star Trek: Harlan Ellison’s City on the Edge of Forever #5 (of 5) will run 32 pages and cost $3.99. Also on the way: a subscription variant with a cover by Paul Shipper.
On deck for fans of the Star Trek: New Visions series is “Cry Vengeance,” by writer, artist and photo-manipulator John Byrne. This new Star Trek photonovel adventure will offer two tales for the price of one, as the crew of the Enterprise faces a menace three millions years in the making, plus something more recent but no less deadly. In other words, look for a follow-up to the classic episode "The Doomsday Machine," as well as “Robot,” a brand-new tale of murder and mystery. “Cry Vengeance” will run 48 pages and cost $7.99.
Byrne will also be represented in October by a Star Trek: New Visions trade paperback titled Spotlight. It will include the 2013 photonovel Annual, “Strange New Worlds,” as well as the feature-length stories “The Mirror Cracked,” and "Time’s Echo," all realized in the striking fumetti style by one of the greatest living comic book artists. Spotlight will run 140 pages and cost $19.99.
For additional details, contact your local comic book retailer or visit to find a store near you. And keep an eye on for further news about upcoming IDW Star Trek comic books.