Published Feb 9, 2016
FIRST LOOK: I.K.S. Amar for Attack Wing Wave 23
FIRST LOOK: I.K.S. Amar for Attack Wing Wave 23

WizKids/NECA will release Star Trek: Attack Wing Wave 23 next month, and has the exclusive First Look at the ships in the upcoming expansion packs, continuing with the I.K.S. Amar. The I.K.S. Amar is a Klingon K’t’inga-class battle cruiser that encountered and attempted to destroy the powerful entity called V’ger by firing torpedoes into the entity’s massive energy cloud. The torpedoes had no effect, which forced the Amar to retreat. The I.K.S. Amar has one extra shield and one extra Crew Upgrade slot compared to a generic K’t’inga class starship. The special ability on the Amar allows you to place an Evade Token next to you ship if you attack, but you do not hit your target. With this special ability, if you can’t damage your opponent, at least you can help ensure you will be around next turn to try again. As the Captain of the I.K.S. Amar, Barak allows you to discard your Photon Torpedo Upgrade to gain +1 attack die when attacking with Photon Torpedoes.