Published Jan 23, 2016
FIRST LOOK: Hidden Universe: Star Trek: A Travel Guide to Vulcan
FIRST LOOK: Hidden Universe: Star Trek: A Travel Guide to Vulcan

Dayton Ward is boldly going in a new direction. Ward, the author behind many, many Star Trek novels -- including Elusive Salvation, Armageddon's Arrow, Point of Divergence, Peaceable Kingdoms, That Which Survives, Summon the Thunder, From History's Shadow, Turn the Page and the recent All That's Left -- will return this summer with Hidden Universe: Star Trek: A Travel Guide to Vulcan. It's an interactive guidebook that explores everything Spock's home planet has to offer.
Here's the synopsis, straight from the publisher, Insight Editions:Plan your next trip to the planet Vulcan with Hidden Universe: Star Trek: A Travel Guide to Vulcan! Find restaurants that serve the best fried sandworms and Vulcan port. Take a trip to the Fire Plains or experience spring break at the Voroth Sea. Learn all about the native Vulcan people and their unusual customs. Discover how to correctly perform the traditional Vulcan salutation (you really don’t want to get this wrong). Learn key Vulcan phrases such as Nam-tor puyan-tvi-shal wilat: “Where is your restroom?” Find out what to do if you suddenly find yourself host to a katra—a Vulcan’s living spirit—at an inconvenient moment. All this and more can be found within the pages of this essential travel guide to one of the most popular—and logical—destinations in the known universe.Hidden Universe: Star Trek: A Travel Guide to Vulcan draws on 50 years of Star Trek TV shows, films, and novels to present a comprehensive guide to Spock’s iconic home world. Modeled after real-world travel guides, the book will explore every significant region on Vulcan with fascinating historical, geographical, and cultural insights that bring the planet to life like never before. Also featuring a dynamic mixture of classic Star Trek imagery and original illustrations created exclusively for the book, Hidden Universe: Star Trek: A Travel Guide to Vulcan is the perfect way to celebrate 50 years of Star Trek and will thrill pop culture fans and hardcore Star Trek fans alike.Due out on July 19, Hidden Universe: Star Trek: A Travel Guide to Vulcan will be released as a paperback that measures 6 x 9 inches and runs 160 pages. It will cost $19.99. Go to to preorder it.